Keep your home clean and protected with our softwash siding cleaning technique.
Home siding is an important protective barrier for your home and should be maintained with care to ensure its longevity. While siding materials are durable against the elements, they require gentle cleaning techniques that eradicate harmful contaminants while being safe for siding surfaces. That’s where our siding washing services come in at Covenant SoftWash.
One of the biggest dangers to siding is the accumulation and growth of harmful bacteria that can damage the siding materials. Mold, algae, and mildew can all weaken the integrity of the material, causing it to break down over time. Unfortunately, pressure washing tends to exacerbate the whole issue as its abrasive method blasts away the contaminants, and bits and pieces of the siding material along with it.
Softwashing is a different approach to siding washing. It relies on its gentle yet powerful biodegradable cleaning solutions to do the heavy lifting of eradicating harmful bacteria while protecting the siding materials. Softwashing reaches deep into the nooks and crannies of the siding to thoroughly clean and sanitize. What’s more, the cleaning solution prevents the regrowth of mold and algae, helping siding look cleaner for 4 to 6 times longer than pressure washing.
Keeping siding clean and protected is the best way to preserve its longevity and vibrancy. If you are looking for a team you can trust with your siding, give us a call. We service homes throughout Jensen Beach, Florida and will make sure your siding is protected and cared for with our siding washing services.